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Build your own Wealth
Financial Freedom-Are you Ready?
When someone asked me if I was ready for Financial Freedom over 20 years ago it was hard to imagine it was a serious question.
Who isn’t Ready?.. I mean Really.. Doesn’t everyone want to have more than enough?
Who is out there saying “NO SIR! None of that for Me!”? You might be as surprised as I was when I found out that’s exactly what I was saying to myself in more ways than one. In more voices than one. No, I wasn’t hosting my own split personality seminar. But I did have several things happen to me that “I” concluded as my reason for not having Financial Freedom.
I can remember being small enough to ride inside a shopping cart. I saw something I wanted, and I reached out for it and my grandmother stopped me and said, “No you can’t have that.” Every time I recall that moment now after focusing on it and working with it for a while, I can feel the confusion and disappointment of that moment. It was the first time that I can remember that I experienced the thought that some “things” don’t belong to me and I “can’t have them.” So the file is created in the brain, the file of, “It’s not yours and you can’t have it.” Even though the moment is not focused on and as a child I’m sure I was distracted by my grandmother and other things that I quickly moved on.
But the file has now been created and it is waiting for new supporting experiences to be placed inside it. Over time the file is stuffed full with the supporting evidence of experience that creates a belief. After all it’s what we experienced so we believe it.
One of my very favorite people on earth is Gregg Braden. Anything you find Gregg Braden involved in will make your life better so be sure to look for his work. A huge turning point in my life came when I learned from Gregg that, “the feeling is the prayer.” You can watch the video here: Gregg traveled the world in search of truth and instruction by those who have gone before us. While high up in Tibet a Holy Man told Gregg, “The feeling is the prayer.” What does that have to do with Financial Freedom? In short it means that no matter what you “do” or “try” to achieve Financial Freedom if you don’t feel like you will ever achieve it then it’s just not going to happen.
Feelings like, “it never works for me,” or, “I never get a break,” or, “only kids from rich families can get rich,” Add in all the times things didn’t work out in life and you have a case closed emotional court session firmly cemented in your foundation of beliefs.
Deep down, subconsciously I was telling myself for all of my good reasons that I could not be financially free and that was what I was experiencing. No matter what I tried or who I tried it with, I just was not getting the success I wanted. When we have a feeling, our mind produces the chemistry to match the feeling and our original experience is now chemically recorded in us and like a program it will keep on running until deleted. Eventually what happens is brilliantly described by another one of my favorite people on earth, Dr Joe Dispenza. He calls the activity of programming that keeps on running automatically, “the body becomes the mind.” Here’s a video that goes into a great explanation:
So, when we reach a level of rehearsing and reinforcing subconscious beliefs for a period of time, they, (subconscious beliefs) not only become very strong but they also create the chemistry in our body that attracts more experiences to match our beliefs. We now have an active loop of “feelings”, the prayer, and “chemistry” that attracts situations that create more feelings over and over again. This is a working process that activates the “Law of Attraction”. For a great quick explanation here’s a video of another of my favorite people Bob Proctor, who is no longer on earth:
Many people live life unaware of the Law of Attraction and experience difficulty in achieving the life that they truly want to live. The bible records “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Certainly, we experience a small degree of emotional destruction when we are not able to live the life that we want to live. The good news it that we can change. Just the basic awareness of what we have just shared begins a process of enlightenment. Once we are aware of the cause we can change it to get the effect that we desire.
You are now on a new path. You are aware that the feeling is the prayer. You are aware that the chemistry of your body will attract the situations you experience.
You now know 3 very gifted teachers that have a wealth of material out there that you can now access. You can learn everything there is to know on youtube and empower yourself with all the steps to master the Law of Attraction. That’s what it took for me to really be able to say, “Yes now I am ready for Financial Freedom.”
Then Financial Freedom manifested for me and I have been happily experiencing it and sharing it ever since.
I’m looking forward to talking with you when you’re ready. If you’re interested in what I am using to manifest Financial Freedom you can get all the details by clicking here . This program has been running online since 2001 and it is designed to make you wealthy, not a company. We give you the training and the tools to set up a lifelong system for generating wealth online. With over 20 years of online experience, you can trust that the system will work for you as it has for thousands already using it.
To be clear this is not a job and this is not MLM or Network Marketing. There is also no selling or convincing. This is an online system that will enable you to be the one who is receiving the wealth. It’s a truly unique opportunity with unlimited potential for those who decide to use it and it is designed to give you every financial advantage to prosper.
I hope you’re having a great day and I’m looking forward to talking with you.
Fred Henning
There is a famous saying, Gnothi Seauton. It’s a Greek phrase that means know thyself or know yourself. This phrase became the simple but very serious answer and instruction by many of the philosophers and sages to those who began to seek wisdom and gain awareness to improve their personal experience and results in life.
If you are familiar with the Matrix movie, Gnothe Seauton in the phrase the oracle pointed out to Neo when he went to see her to receive his personal message for his own guidance and path. The rabbit hole is currently getting deeper and deeper as time goes by and new archeological finds are being revealed. The get a very surprising revelation of the history of humans click here and watch the series “Ancient Civilizations”. It’s a non-bias, non-denominational review of what the hard evidence literally written in stone in most cases, tells us about who we are.
I personally have a theological background with a Doctorate in Ministry. I’m ordained and I have been studying the bible passionately for 30 years. I believe that wisdom does not discriminate or judge it simply speaks to those who are listening and answering those who are asking for help. If you approach wisdom for your own personal situation guidance, I have found that you will find the truth about anything you truly want to know. It’s really a miraculous experience and meeting synchronicity is such a huge step in joining a new mindset and life outside the box.
If you protect yourself from any influence that is trying to get you to fulfill a list of demands in order to be accepted into the “Club” so to speak and listen to the personal voice that leads you in the direction that helps you then you will have found the voice of wisdom that I am talking about. Over the years humanity has gone through many changes and while there are things that change there are truths that remain the same and just like pure structured water will always hydrate us and quench our thirst there are truths that will always bring freedom to our lives and remove our own personal barriers and limits that keep us from fully experiencing our hearts desires.
When we hear the term “know yourself” what does it mean. Does it mean to know our name, our age, our occupation and how much stuff we have? Does it mean to know our heritage and family tree and all the traits and characteristics that we have inherited? Well many of you probably know all of those things but do you really know yourself? Let’s take a look at some definitions of knowing yourself to get an idea of what it means.
A definition of the know is: “to be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information and to have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; to be familiar or friendly with.”
A definition of self is: “a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.”
A definition of introspection is: “the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.”
A definition of reflex is: “an action that is performed as a response to a stimulus and without conscious thought.”
So when we put it all together, knowing yourself means to be aware of yourself through observation inquiry and information about yourself and to have a developed a relationship with yourself through having meetings and spending time with yourself to discover your own essential being that distinguishes you from others especially as looking at yourself as the object of introspection to understand why you do and respond the ways that you automatically react and respond to what happens to you. Wow. A bit of a mouthful but worth every bit and practicing the above description of knowing yourself as a discipline can unlock doors that kept us stuck and open doors that we couldn’t seem to get through.
Each person has an average of 60,000 thoughts a day! That’s one thought per second in every waking hour! Amazingly, 95% are the same thoughts repeated every day. On average, 80% of those habitual thoughts are negative. Unfortunately, our brains have become hardwired to pay more attention to negative experiences than positive one’s because of survival mentality.
That’s right, our brains are now designed to take in and register negative experiences more deeply than positive experiences. This served us well and was critical for survival when we were foraging for food, paying close attention to anything that might place us in danger, like a predator. We even have a name for this type of thinking called, “Negativity Bias,” and it’s not a prescription for happiness.
Knowing yourself is privately taking some time to in a way do your own experiment on yourself to discover what’s going on inside that is creating the results you are getting on the outside. Part of the definition of self is reflexive action, which are the things that you are just doing without any thought. They are just automatic responses that come from your subconscious.
Numerous cognitive neuroscientists have conducted studies that have revealed that only 5% of our conscious activities, (decisions, emotions, actions, behavior) is conscious whereas the remaining 95% is generated in a subconscious manner. Scientists say that the most influential perceptual programming of the subconscious mind occurs from birth through age six. During that time, the child’s brain is recording all sensory experiences as well as learning complex motor programs for speech, crawling, standing, and advanced activities like running and jumping. Simultaneously, the child’s sensory systems are fully engaged, downloading massive amounts of information about the world and how it works.
So by the age of 6 the overwhelming majority of our subconscious has already been programmed with our perceptions and understanding being solidified in that stage. Electroencephalogram readings show that from birth to 2 years old the brainwaves are predominantly in the delta state and from 2 to 6 a child’s brainwaves are predominantly theta which is the dream state, both of which are subconscious level with beta being the awakened state of normal consciousness.
What that means to us now is that 95% of the “program” that is running “us” has been programmed in a dream state before we were 6 years old. The dream state is exclusively ruled by feelings and symbols. Whatever feelings and symbols were developed in that time are the inner language that is literally controlling 95% of who we are. If you have a feeling in the present now that associates with any previous 95% program, you will unknowingly respond according to the 95% programming.
That is why the strongest influences around us use symbolism. If a symbol can make a connection with our subconscious, we will most likely respond without thought. A reflex.
Let’s look at an example from man’s best friend. Have you ever picked up a ball or stick and got your dog excited to play fetch and acted like you threw the ball just to watch him run to fetch the ball that you didn’t throw? From his previously recorded experiences he responded the way he was programmed to respond without question.
Have you ever heard how circus trainers keep massive powerful elephants tied down with a tiny wooden stake in the ground? The trainers are quick to take a young elephant just able to walk and put a collar around their neck and with a rope tie them to a large stake driven in the ground. The young elephant will try of a time to get loose but eventually gives up whenever he feels the rope stopping him because he believes that he can’t go any further. This programming lasts a lifetime. When the elephant is full grown, he will still stop when he feels the end of the rope even though he is now strong enough to pull out the stake like pulling an old cork out of a bottle.
That is how programming in the subconscious, and it is powerful. Our subconscious consists of feelings and symbols that relate, respond to and record every type of stimulus we experience. If it believes we’ve reached our limit it stops us. If it believes that we can’t do something, then it does not even try. If it believes that you are a certain type of person that will always be the same without any hope of change then it will keep you exactly where you are even if you are strong and mighty and have the power to go wherever you want to go.
Is it getting a little clearer why we should know ourselves? If 95% of what we are currently doing now is running on a program that received, it’s finishing touches from a 6 year old then it may be worth our time to at lease see if some of our own personal standard operating procedures are serving our best interests. When you subject a subconscious mind to symbolic influence that may not have your best interest in mind you have a situation that may cause limitations that while they are completely illogical, they easily succeed without resistance. You may find yourself feeling like something is in your way, there is some invisible force or barrier that you can’t get through.
The language of the subconscious is emotional so if you ever experienced and event that produced an extreme emotion in you it creates a mindset program that will automatically respond even in times when you are not consciously aware of what is now causing you to feel the same way. For many people who are not experiencing the level of happiness and fulfillment that they desire from life they see that they must make a change. But when they try to change, they feel a force restraining them and often if such a person does try something new this force will create such an emotionally distraction that is sabotages the person from success and they quit at the first sign of resistance and they hear their own voice inside say, “I told you so” or “I knew it wouldn’t work.” That is the true subconscious feeling, and the feeling is the prayer.
The prayer is the vibration that activates and dictates to the law of attraction and the manifestation unveils. This is the inner subconscious that we want to engage with and begin to know. It’s the voice we must begin a dialog with. This is the inner voice that is truly in charge, and it needs to be reprogrammed if there is to be any positive change in anyone’s current situation.
One of my favorite words of wisdom from the bible is Romans 12:2 which says, “do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renovation of your mind.” And then the verse finishes out by saying “so that you will know and prove what is the good and well pleasing will of God the creator.” Such a brilliant verse that shows us there is a pattern of the world that is not acting in our best interest but intends on influencing us to support “it’s” best interests and conform us to the while we blindly neglect our own.
The world pattern or “Matrix” does this by communicating with our subconscious. It primarily communicates in symbols that are easily related to by the subconscious knowing the way the mind works. For instance, if something can be related to negative consequences or the idea of “bad” our subconscious will steer us away from anything with a bad label. Our subconscious doesn’t need any evidence or proof. All it needs is to be convinced and it will automatically respond without further thought.
A good example would be eggs. Not to long ago the news was riddled with statements that eggs were bad for your health and many people stopped eating eggs only later to find out that they are one of the all-time healthiest foods and in fact contain many nutrients that our body vitally needs and can not get anywhere else in necessary levels. Here’s a quick video with this information from one of my favorite people on earth, Dr Eric Berg:
A similar situation happened with butter suspiciously after margarine came on the scene. News came out that butter was bad for you, and you should use margarine instead and the masses stopped using butter and started using margarine. There was a bit of an info war over the truth about margarine and butter so you should do your own research to find out what is healthiest for you. Here’s another video from Dr Berg about the nutritional value of butter:
These are just two examples, but they represent a multitude of influences that are communicating with us via our subconscious minds and are “patters or trends of the world” stimuli that we can find ourselves blindly responding to with full conviction some time to our detriment. Romans 12:2 instructs us to be transformed by the renovation of our minds. The Greek work used for transformed is the word metamorpho which most of us are familiar with from the term metamorphosis which is the process of the caterpillar spinning its self into a cocoon for the purpose of exiting the cocoon completely changed into a butterfly. Talk about a renovation. Leaving the very limited creature behind to become a completely new creature that is imbued with the power to fly and see a whole new world that always existed but was never experienced due to the previous state of being limits.
While the change is important, I like the ending of Romans 12:2 which explains that the whole goal and purpose of the transformation is so we will absolutely know the good, well pleasing and perfect will of God the creator. So not only are we set free from limiting and even self-sabotaging beliefs we also know the truth about our creator and his good, well pleasing and perfect intentions and heart towards us.
A philosopher is defined as someone who is a lover of wisdom. Isn’t it fascinating that the lovers of wisdom knew that if they instructed seekers to “know themselves”, that the true seeker would search and in searching they would find what is keeping them from their own personal freedom and find a creator that had only good, well pleasing, and perfect intentions for them?
To know our self is to take an honest look at ourselves on the deepest levels and especially look for areas where our own unchallenged mindset is stopping us from moving on to a better experience and a more fulfilling life. It’s very powerful to start taking some time every day at the beginning of the day to meditate and simply sit in a relaxed position, take a few deep cleansing breaths and simply think to yourself and ask in your own voice in your own mind, “show me any areas where I am blocking myself from happiness, health, success and truth.” By simply truly meaning what you say you will in fact pass the message to your subconscious mind and you will create and awareness of yourself and will in fat start watching yourself and “start the experiment of knowing who you are.”
You will begin to notice the way that you are reacting to certain situations and start to ask yourself why you are reacting the way you are and what influence have you experienced that is causing you to react the way you are. If that influence was not a positive one, then you can reprogram yourself to react to all future similar situations in a new positive life affirming way.
Here’s a link to one of the very best resources to understanding and practicing this transformation from another one of my favorite people on earth, Dr Joe Dispenza: and some great information to help from another one of my favorite people on earth, Gregg Braden : You may notice times that you feel like there is an invisible barrier stopping you from going in the direction of your heart’s desire and you will recognize that this influence is a falsely recorded memory that you can erase and replace with your own permission to freely have what you want.
When we are born, we simply know that we deserve to have what we want and all of our wants are fulfilled for us by those caring for us. But as time progresses, we seem to find ourselves in situations where we are programmed that we can’t have what we want in in some cases programmed to be ashamed of even wanting something in the first place. We are influenced to think that we should just be happy with what we already have.
The contradiction is toxic to a young mind and as it finishes off it’s work, the 6 year old often finishes their work on a negative disappointed note creating a new mind condition called cognitive dissidence.
This is why wisdom instructs us to renovate our mind and restore it back to it’s original belief that just being born into the world we deserve to have everything that we need and desire so that we can live a life that is good, well pleasing and perfect. And according to wisdom the Creator says, “yes, let it be so.”
Gnothi Seauton, know yourself, understand why you react the way you do and if you find any negative, limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs, renovate them with life affirming permission to happily and peacefully receive all that is good, well pleasing, and perfect.
May you achieve everything that you desire in life and I with you the utmost in peaceful loving abundant blessings!
Love in all ways,
Always in Love.
Fred Henning.
YOU Must Get Paid!
I want to talk about what I consider the key to being able to truly make a living working from home. The statement that I’m going to make may sound facetious at first, but I have found that it is the only way to be able to make income level wealth that is necessary to get out of the rat race and actually make a living working from home. As we go along you will find that the statement “YOU must get Paid,” actually has influence on the conscious and subconscious mind which is mandatory for making a life changing adjustment.
Before I tell you, the key lets do some underlying ground work that will support the reason why it is so important and what may be standing in the way. I highly recommend that anyone who has not read “Gnothi Seauton” scroll up and read it for a very revealing understanding of how our own habitual thinking is influencing our life. It’s very empowering to realize that our current experience that we are “Familiar” with, the key word being “Familiar” which comes from the root word “Family” is in fact an extension and manifestation of our early “family” relationships.
These relationship subconscious records are the primary source of our responses to almost every situational experience. For instance, when we are interacting with someone our mind is relating the person to a family member that we have already established a relationship with. This is all automatic and it happens in just a fraction of time mostly without us even being conscious of it. I’m sure you’ve all experienced your mind telling you that a person you just met reminds you of your father, mother, brother, or sister etc. You may have an experience with someone that reminds you of an aunt, uncle or cousin.
When this happens your mind automatically begins to react to this new person based on the history that you have on file for a member of your family, your familiar experience. Our responses, reflexes and expectations will then be almost totally automatic and governed by our beliefs. Many of those beliefs and expectations are in fact not our own but programs that have been influenced into our personal thinking and go unchallenged but have free reign to make life altering choices.
In order to uncover how deep this goes and become aware of the magnitude of its effects lets do a little experiment and ask yourself if you’ve been affected by this process. Imagine this. You have a friend who calls you and asks you to come over to his house and help him split some fire wood. You don’t have anything planned for the day and you could use the fresh air and exercise anyway, so you say yes, and you spend the whole day swinging the axe and you help your friend split enough wood for the month.
Your friend is very thankful for your help and at the end of the day he reaches into his wallet and starts to pull out some money to give you. What do you do? You worked all day, and you gave your friend a valuable service that will be a huge help to him that will be of financial benefit so it’s only fair that he shares that benefit with you and pay you for your service, right? So, when he hands you the money do you take it?......Most of you automatically say no. Why? Because you don’t take money from friends. Right? You have a firm and unchallenged belief that you don’t take money from friends.
Well where does that belief come from? Somewhere in life a trusted family figure told you that you don’t take money from friends. If a friend needs your help you just help them for free because that’s what friends do. You help each other for free and if they offer you money you refuse it. Someone else gave you that belief with a feeling that if you don’t follow it you will not be a good person and certainly not a good friend and in fact make you feel bad for even considering taking money from a friend even if you utterly justifiably deserve it. It’s easy to see how we can be affecting ourselves based on a belief that was family influenced and still governing us today.
Here’s another example. Your mother never liked the color yellow. Throughout your childhood when ever anything yellow came into the picture your mother openly declared that she didn’t like it because it was yellow or sometimes said, “yellow is ugly” and she displayed disapproval almost exclusively to anything yellow. You are now an adult, and you are selling a yellow chair at a yard sale. You notice a woman that looks like your mother looking at the chair. You immediately feel your energy drop like you’ve been reprimanded, and you say to yourself “she hates the chair” and walk away.
Here’s another one. You’re walking down the street and a stranger makes eye contact while approaching you and adjusts their course directly to you and intersects your path with an outstretched hand with money in it and says, “here this is for you” What do you do? Most of you are automatically saying something to the nature of “that’s crazy” and can already envision yourself almost ignoring the person and walking away not knowing what to say. Why? Because you don’t take money from strangers right? Don’t we almost universally believe that?
Well where did that belief come from? At some point our parents told us not to take money or maybe candy from strangers because they wanted to protect us from someone who might be trying to take advantage of us in some way and so they told us not to ever take money from strangers. And while that was wise advice then, it still leaves us with an underlying unchallenged belief that we should never take money from strangers that affects us to this day.
Now when we put just these two beliefs together what are we left with? Don’t take money from friends and don’t take money from strangers. Well who’s left? Only enemies, and who’s going to take money from them even if they did give it to you. This creates a low-grade tension in people that is psychically registered and felt in the majority of people when ever there is an exchange of money.
You’re in a store and you’re purchasing an item and for many there is an underlying feeling of tension ranging from this person doesn’t deserve my money to a feeling of I don’t deserve to have something that cost’s that much money. The exchange of money can turn into a process that no matter what the situation there is a type of disapproval and negative judgement. And it all comes from unchallenged limiting beliefs from your family/familiar life experience.
Now let’s take this one step further. You begin to feel like there is something more to life and you feel like you are missing out on more than a few things. You would like to experience them, but you are financially limited, and you just can’t afford to do them. So, you decide to try your hand at starting your own business with the idea that you will be able to make more money to experience things in life that you couldn’t afford before. You do everything right, you make all the calls every day and even more than average, you email your lists new updates and information. You post audios and videos that are really good and you put your heart into everything you do.
But you just don’t make any money. You often get right up to the point where you should get paid but there always seems to be an invisible wall that stops you with your out-stretched hand just inches away from receiving money. You can’t understand why but you definitely notice a pattern and you can see that there is something stopping you from receiving money. It’s your subconscious beliefs that “You don’t take money from Friends, You don’t take money from strangers and receiving money is just wrong to begin with.
This is where a lot of people just give up and pronounce themselves a type of limited person with some semi believable reason why prosperity just isn’t in the cards for them and they should just learn to be thankful for what they have. And you never know if you don’t start being thankful for what you have you may even loose what you have as a punishment for not being thankful. And then the person adds a mid-level mood of disappointment to their character and lives with that nagging feeling and an over-all sense that something is missing in their life. Their inner dialog becomes “I told you so” and “This Never Works for me” and even the arena of “nothing ever works for me” and then you will start telling yourself that you are going to be stuck where you are now, and you might as well just learn to live with it.
It’s easy to see how deep-seated limiting beliefs can not only sabotage our prosperity but they can also hold us back from living the life that we desire. This series will focus in on reprogramming techniques in later posts and give you the most powerful tools to assist you in overcoming and achieving. Now we are going to focus on the key to being able to truly make a living working from home.
When you reprogram your mind and expectancy giving yourself the permission to do this you will start a momentum of prosperity for yourself. So here it is. In order to make a living working from home “YOU MUST GET PAID!”…………
You’re probably saying, “what do you mean YOU MUST Get Paid, isn’t that obvious?” and it is but most people have a multitude of self-sabotaging beliefs that keep them from ever getting paid and many of their beliefs tell them that getting paid is something that is bad and should be avoided altogether. Their deep-down core beliefs have no intention of ever making any money. There are even some that intend to fail on purpose so they can emotionally punish someone who hurt them in their past. They keep themselves in failure experiences and silently whisper to their offenders, “this is your fault,” and say, “look what you’ve done to me.”
Since the majority of online activity is advertising and people are so used to the sales pitch, which instantly invokes all of our negative money programming, the majority of online people already have a subconscious program that is silently telling them that they are just going to spend money on the opportunity, and they are not going to ever make any money. This is the honest assessment at the core level of consciousness which is the level that does all of the manifesting in a person’s life.
This is a major reason why most people who try to make money online fail. And now we have a mass consciousness that has already deemed that all online opportunities are the same and therefore they will all fail. So there is a subconscious mental deck that is already stacked against people who want to work from home.
To overcome this, you must get money in your hand as quickly as possible. When you have money in your hands it is easy to believe that something works, and it is easy to visualize more money coming to you and create a momentum of money that will continue to flow to you.
This is why the true key to make a living working from home is, “You must get paid”…. as much as possible and as quickly as possible. It is a decision that you must make for yourself and decide that You must get paid now and you must continue to get paid for the rest of your life. It is a now manifestation that multiplies from now and extends and overflows into the future. It is not something that you are waiting for and thinking that it will happen “someday”. From the first moment that you get started in the first task you are seeing and visualizing that the outcome of your choice is, “getting paid”. There is no “I will try this and see what happens, there is no “I’ll give this a month and see if it works” There is only “I am doing this to get paid and I WILL get paid.
You give yourself the expectancy that the more you perform money generating activities the more money you receive, and you are creating a momentum that will quickly grow to the level that you will have more than enough money coming to you every day with out you having to do anything. The momentum you created when you first decided that “You must get paid” has grown to the point that it is automatic and all you do is receive. This is a timeless spiritual concept. You can find it recorded in the scriptures in Mark 11:24 the Messiah said “Because of this I say to you, whatever you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.”
He showed us the secret to manifesting our desires and He didn’t place any limits on his instruction. He clearly said “whatever” you ask when you pray so it is not limited to any category or condition he clearly said “whatever”. And he said that when we are praying which is not limited to just words. The translating of the original word for prayer into meaning just words is only a few hundred years old. Prayer for thousands of years meant to feel, experience and visualize in a spiritual state to the point of being able to speak it as it is so and thus the term “amen” which means let it be so or so shall it be. So in original time in which this quote was spoken the meaning was feel as though your prayer is already answered and act as if you already have the answer and experience the manifestation now in your imagination and emotions and believe that you receive now and you shall receive what you asked for, amen, so shall it be.
Here’s a teaching by Neville Goddard that is really inspiring. Neville brilliantly explains how to specifically manifest using your own selective imagination. When you resolve in your own intention that you must get paid and make that the place where you start you have already made it so. Now all you do is walk out the path you have already chosen and enjoy the money when you count it. You must get paid also has a literal meaning.
When you choose a money generating activity you must be the one who get’s paid. When someone gets started with you the money must go directly to you personally. This is so powerful because you will be holding a tangible symbol and reward in your hand and your faith will exponentially grow each time you are paid.
The contrast is programs that only pay you after you reach a certain level or only pay you who knows when. Combine this with the current system of payroll where someone else takes your money first and takes some of your money from you which causes your subconscious to feel loss that you are powerless to stop, and a portion of your hope for the future is extinguished. The longer that you go working and not seeing any results the quicker you will tire, doubt and eventually quit.
But when you are the one who gets paid and are literally standing there with the money in your hand it is near impossible for any doubts or preprogrammed negative beliefs to argue with you consciously or subconsciously. And the more you get paid the quicker you silence any limiting self-sabotaging beliefs. Then before you know it you have a money momentum that grows before your eyes and overshadows anything contrary to your wealth goals and expectations.
When you have the money in your hand your energy levels go through the roof because now there is no resistance or waiting, you are living in the now and finally arriving “in the moment”. Your state of being transforms from living in survival mode to living in creative mode. You notice the ultimate energy of unlimited potential. “You must get paid” is a key that is bigger and more powerful than you can imagine and one that you only have to experience once to know that it is true and the potential that it holds.
It is so amazing for me every time a new person experiences this and the rush is quite incredible. When I first started working from home and participated in an activity where I got paid directly, I was amazed and overwhelmed when I was first paid, and I really transformed soon after that when I received over $16000.00 in one day. That day I was free from all doubt, fear and unbelief and the freedom was such a beautiful blessing that brought relief from limits and fears that I was not even conscious of.
You must get paid is so powerful and the awesome thing is it absolutely works for everyone that I have ever seen experience it. When you get paid and you can count the money in your hand, and you see that this is something that you can do, and you can repeat it over and over again. All fears of a future of lack disappear and they are replaced by an excited joy knowing that you will always have money.
I am very excited to hear of everyone experiencing this and then helping others to experience it. You then go from working for a living to being in love with your life. You must get paid gives you a reward immediately following the positive manifestation that you have accomplished and it also aligns you with a spiritual law that says “while the earth remains seedtime harvest” meaning that we are intended to live in a natural and spiritual reality that quickly rewards us when we sow good seeds in the earth. It’s a given, it’s a principle, it’s a law that produces as consistently and as accurately as the law of gravity. It works on all things all the time.
If you want to truly give yourself every advantage and put yourself on the fast tract to prosperity then “You must get paid” and to take advantage of a powerful system that has been successfully enabling thousand to experience the power of getting paid click here.
I personally work with everyone and help you to ensure that you not only keep the “You Must Get Paid” mindset but that you are experiencing it’s manifestation by actually getting paid and holding the money in your hands.
Give yourself all the keys and tools in one place that will give you the momentum you need to achieve your financial dreams where You must get paid.
Get the support, training, and experience of 6 and 7 figure earners and avoid distractions and delays.
Love in All ways,
Always in Love.
Fred Henning
Prosperity Consciousness
One of the absolute best teachings that I have ever experienced and benefitted from about money is Fredric Lehrman’s “Prosperity Consciousness” Here’s a link for it .
Fredric is one of my favorite people on the planet and such a cool person to meet. His presence emanates such a wonderful spirit and when I met him, I felt like I already knew him for years because I so enjoyed listening to his very gifted teaching. As shared, in “Gnothi Seauton” the link between our subconscious and our prosperity is much stronger than most are aware of. For most people the subconscious is running on a symbolic emotional programming that we ourselves programed up until we were 6 years old. Because of that a lot of misunderstanding lies in our subconscious and when most people find themselves “hitting a wall” financially the real cause is quite often a belief in the subconscious.
Quantum physics has been such an amazing tool to help us understand the invisible link between our thoughts and the results that we experience in life. For some helpful information on this and how to help ourselves adjust here’s a great video by Gregg Braden .
Fredric Lehrman shares a very illuminating analogy concerning our ability to receive money. He notes that for most of us we were told as a child not to take money from strangers. I’m sure we all know why, and the understanding is firmly recorded in our subconscious and totally unchallenged because of the familiar tone in our parent’s voice when they told us this.
We knew that tone meant it was serious and most likely had some fear attached to it. But in our naive understanding we didn’t quite know why we shouldn’t take money from strangers, so it leaves us with a grey area. Then at some point we also learned that you don’t take money from friends. If you did something for a friend and they are thankful and want to pay you for your help we are told that because they were your friend, you don’t accept their money, you just help them for free. Again, the authority in our parent’s voice communicated a “that’s just the way it is understanding,” and we just record it and allow it to be a part of our subconscious beliefs. This creates another grey area where we don’t quite understand why but follow the directions none the less. Now here we are with a programming that says, “You don’t take money from Strangers,” and “You don’t take money from Friends.” Who’s left? Enemies? We certainly wouldn’t take money from them either.
What remains is a subconscious belief that there is something wrong with receiving money since there is practically no one out there that it is ok to receive it from. Since we’re practically all digital now it’s a lot different but did you ever experience a low-grade emotional resistance when either paying cash for something or receiving payment for something in person? If it was a stranger or a friend, you probably felt this type of blockage going on in your emotions.
To change our experience with prosperity one of the first steps is to change the way we think about it. From beliefs like, “Money is the root of all Evil,” to “Money can’t buy happiness” and let’s not forget the multitude of beliefs that wealthy people are bad people, we have our work cut out for us when we recognize the need to change our prosperity beliefs.
Many are surprised when they discover how most of their beliefs about money are negative and some struggle to find any positive beliefs about money. Many of those beliefs are imposed upon us by other people, the rest are usually supporting beliefs that come from our life experiences. For a really great video with Dr Joe Dispenza to help with understanding and managing our thoughts go here:
To start a new relationship with money a powerful change is to start applying the 5 accounts system to your finances. Since our subconscious is very visually symbolic, the act of seeing a 5-account system looks “bigger” and tells your subconscious that your money is now “bigger.” This will activate a new file in your subconscious that will create a new financial energy. Then you keep your focus on the 5-account system and apply the minor changes. If you keep following the 5-account system, the new energy will replace the old and a new program of beliefs will be created. Then you can expect your financial situation to improve exponentially.
The first step is to look back at the past year and ask yourself if you could live on 90% of what you made last year. You made it on 100% so if you made a few changes is it possible that you can start living on 90% of what you’re making? Most people can quickly identify things they really don’t need and can make a 10% adjustment and live on 90% which is all you need to do to begin a powerful change in your subconscious that will create a prosperity mindset.
If you’re looking for a creative way that will give you the additional benefit of better health, consider eliminating sugar from your diet. By eliminating sugar and all the products that contain it most people come up with well over 10%. This is a really easy way to easily get your 10% and the health benefits are even more valuable. To see some of the extreme health benefits you can experience from eliminating sugar from your diet watch this video from Dr Berg: Here's some more great life changing info:
When you have decided to live on 90% of your income you begin to put 10% of your income into the 5-account system. Here’s how it works. One way to follow this system is to use a spread sheet and make each account a column and divide the accounts in the spread sheet. In Prosperity Consciousness Fredric advises using 5 separate savings accounts and used the interest for additional uses, but you can just use one and divide the money on the spread sheet which is easier if you like.
Another option is to use a crypto account. Right now, the world of crypto is phenomenal to say the least and there are many apps that make using crypto a very easy process that anyone can use. One of the absolute best apps is You can earn daily crypto just for logging in and for other activities.
To start using the 5-account system you begin by identifying the 5 accounts. They are:
1. The Income account.
2. The Large Purchases account.
3. The Annual Income account.
4. The Investment account.
5. The Financial Independence account.
The income account. You put everything you earn into this account. It’s very important that you physically see this amount every time you receive money. You will then create a new file in your subconscious that says, “I’m receiving money.” After you put money in the income account you immediately take 10% and put it in the following 4 accounts. You then use the 90% to pay your bills and live on. The 10% will be divided into whatever amounts you decide but to start out it is best to divide it equally among the 4 accounts and then begin to use them.
The Large Purchases account. This account is where you start preparing for large purchases instead of waiting for the need for them to arise. As you let this account grow you will have money to pay for the large things that need replaced instead of using credit cards. Things like tires, washing machines, tv’s, computers, and vehicles.
The Annual Income account. This account is for saving the amount of money equal to your annual income. Once you reach the target since you have your annual income already in the bank you can take a year off and live off this account. The freedom of being able to live the life that you want to live will supercharge your subconscious and the law of attraction will amaze you with the financial results you have without even working. This is truly a phenomenal experience.
The Investment account. As this account is growing you can be doing your research and due diligence to decide where you want to put this money. When your subconscious see’s this account growing it will quickly loose the scarcity survival mindset and begin to delete and rewrite previous beliefs that held you in survival thinking.
The Financial Independence account. This account you say you are not going to use until it is big enough for you to live on for the rest of your life. As this account grows it will completely delete any scarcity and survival or lack mentality that you ever believed or experienced in your life. Even when you are just starting your subconscious will begin to see a new future ahead of you, one where there is no money struggle. As shared in “Gnothi Seauton”, the feeling is the prayer and the activator of the law of attraction and once you start to even feel the idea of not having any money struggle in your life you will begin to attract that reality.
You will be amazed at the financial miracles that start happening and the doors of opportunities that open to you, opportunities you never even dreamed of before that you are now living.
Everyone that I have shared this system with has seen amazing results very quickly and many people have sold items they were not using any more and reached their goal for the annual income account in a few months and were able to take the year off.
You want to get Fredric’s Prosperity Consciousness coarse and listen to the testimonies and examples that Fredric shares. The depth that he takes you to in the coarse and his gift to transmit understanding and vision in a very effortless way is priceless and vital to get the most out of the whole Prosperity Consciousness that he teaches.
Just listening to the course energizes you and sets your focus on a down to earth plan coupled with psychology to get your full potential behind it and give you the results you desire.
I’m really excited for the results that you will experience.
Love in all ways,
Always in Love.
Fred Henning
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